Jonah 4:1-11. Should a Biblical Christian want to free Palestine?
Genesis 12:1-4. What is the connection between modern day Israel and the Christian church?
Acts 4:32-37. Five Evidences of Great (mega) Grace Upon the Church.
Hebrews 10:24-25 Luke 10:36-37 God commands us to participate in church community, and to show compassion toward and minister to the lost.
Revelation 3:1-6 Christ pursues struggling and dying churches.
1 John 2:12-14 We can be encouraged as Christians because we aren't alone, and we are forgiven.
1 Corinthians 12:12-31_ Grace-gifted Christians are part of the body of Christ by God’s appointment.
1 Timothy 3:14-16 Our vision is to be a pillar of biblical teaching in the city of Raleigh.